video by Andrew Tuline
We all do it, try something new, have a little play with things then stand back to admire our most recent achievement. Then curiosity leads us to down the youtube path, to see how other people are doing in this field.
Arduino is no exception. I was so proud of myself after purchasing some small WS2812 Driver boards and with a little bit of coding I finally created my rear night flashing cycle lights! (project will be uploaded very soon)
To be honest here, this is pretty extreme for such a simple project, normal LEDs would have worked just as well, if not better. But !!!
I wanted to be different!!
Very proud of my self with my projects results, where part of the code required the FastLED library. So I decided to look up the creator and he gave some really good advice and there are some really great demo codes you can try.
Also visit his youtube channel:-
I feel I have found one of the pioneers in this field, and his demo codes are freely available, well commented with hints on how to change to suit ones purposes.
I want to make christmas tree lights just like in that video, but baby steps first!!