Saturday, 26 May 2018

Partitioning Hard Drives GPT or MBR

Apple Hards Drives : JK Hard Drives & 1 Apple.

So it is time to do a clean out from all the PC gear I've accumulated over many years. I have doubts any of these are reliable and even if some do read/write I probably would still throw them out. Hence when it comes to precious data you are going to feel a lot more secure buying new, and even with new you cannot guarantee they don't fail in a short period of time.

Routinely Back Up Everything Everywhere!

So now that I have a more recent Linux Mint OS, the moment I install a new HD and wish to get it ready, I always create new partition tables.

In keeping up with using the newest technology trends, from now on all partition tables are going to be created using the GTP format.

Here is an excellent website that explains the differences between the new GTP against the traditional MBR tables, check then out - How-To-Geek .

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