Monday, 10 June 2019

The Sony FDR-X3000, Endomondo, Virb Edit Experiment.!/v/kiwibloke/l30t1x6k

Virb Edit, creating data overlays for you sports videos. This inbuilt editor is AMAZING, but lets go back to the beginning as to how I started putting this together.


The Walk (that's me and it was freezing outside, mid winter, gets dark at 5:30pm)
- record using Endomondo the entire walk on my Huawei P8lite
- during the walk, record snippets on the Sony FDR-X3000 camera
Video Creation (all with Virb Edit)
- import all the video clips (as is), place in timeline
- while playing through the timeline, trim each clip
- export the GPS to GXP (using Endomondo Website)
- import the GPX file
- 1st gauge I added: position - track (the map inside the circle)
- when played, Virb Edit knew where each video clip appears on the track
- as you watch this video you can see the dots move accordingly
- there can be discrepencies within a few meters, you can fine tune if you want
- add music (provided by Virb Edit)
- add titles


This was all created in-house, no external editors used. I really am impressed with this software (and yes it is free). What is important to realise, the data here is based on a GPS signal and the accuracy of a satelitte. Still, as a graphical indiction I think it is really cool. I really don't like the existing gauges but you do have the ability to create your own.

I wouldn't necessarily use an overlay like this on all my video's, probably when there is sports events, like to 10km charity walks I sometimes participate in. I had fun putting this together.

The Endomondo App provides alot more GPS data than the Sony FDR-X3000 which results in more gauges you can use.

** Exclusive**

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